The nature angels are with you all the time. They make you aware of their presence, not in the way we imagine or expect. In ways, we did not expect the nature angel behind it.
Why ask? Many of us have not learned to recognize them or notice how they communicate with one another.
Most human beings have heard about fairies, droves, mermaids, dragons, pixies, gnomes, etc., from stories, movies, cartoons, or someone sharing what they have experienced, like me.
I love stories and movies about fairies, dragons, mermaids, etc. That has something mystical to it. I love mystical. As a child, I physically never considered thinking the fairies were reality.
On the other hand, there is no proof that they are not real. Within me, I believed it could be possible, and if it felt indescribably good to believe in fairies.
The idea of fairies makes me smile, dream, float in creativity, and gives one the possibility to drifting away in a world your love to become true.
They are the greatest manifesters in the entire universe, and they are everywhere.
There are many energy fields that humanity is not aware of.
Have you ever had a situation where you placed your car keys on your favored spot, and you were so sure that as you noticed that as you wanted to reach for it, you could not explain why it was not lying in the spot you had placed it?
You are searching and overthinking or doubting yourself, wondering what you have done with your key. Desperate where it could be, suddenly, out of nowhere, you discover it somewhere else.
Hm? That might feel even weirder. Left with a questioning feeling that we ignore after caring about what we were up to.
I had and still have that many times.
Once I started questioning the universe, what kind of energy I was dealing with, the interesting it became, and looking back to childhood, many situations made sense.
The universe, angels’ energies. Name them as you please. They express the feeling of:” you do not need to believe “within one or around you. Allow your body to help you unravel the truth you really believe in.
Permit yourself to open to the realm you are surrounded by.